Contact us

Marc Mertens

Afgevaardigd bestuurder - Administrateur délégué, Fédération Belge des Banques Alimentaires

Marguerite Kervyn

Consultant, Whyte Corporate Affairs

Piet Vanthemsche

Président - Voorzitter, Fédération Belge des Banques Alimentaires

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About Belgian Federation of Food Banks

The Belgian Federation of Food Banks is a coordinating organization that represents a national network of 9 regional Food Banks.

In their fight against hunger, the Food Banks, through 673 affiliated local organizations and thousands of volunteers, provide free healthy and varied food to people in need. They can rely on food products received through the ESF+, the European Social Fund, on the one hand, and surpluses made available by the food industry, large distribution companies, fish auctions, food collections from supermarkets and personal purchases, on the other. Various actions aimed at the general public complete the offer. In this way, the Food Banks also make an important contribution to the fight against food waste. 

In 2023, with the help of 386 volunteers and 34 social contract workers from the Banques Alimentaires, and in collaboration with thousands of volunteers from 673 affiliated local organizations, 23,571 tonnes of food were collected and distributed to 213,873 beneficiaries per month.

For more information on how it works:


Chaussée de Zellik 12 b 7 1082 Bruxelles